Abbreviations and symbols


Abbreviation or symbolMeaning
​LA  ​Local Authority
​*  ​Prefixes the Valuation and Walk the Road number when it applies to more than 1 Lot/Plan
​#  ​Prefixes a Recent Sales Price where there is a history of previous sales in the QVAS database
​S  ​The addition of an S as a prefix to the Sale Price is implemented when a Sales Type of S Multi Sale is applicable i.e. SS$100,000 where the first S is the Multi sale and the second S is for a Sale.
​NVU  ​Prefixes a New Valuation Unissued
​NVI  ​Prefixes a New Valuation Issued
​PLU  ​Prefixes a Primary Land Use Code
​SLU  ​Prefixes a Secondary Land Use Code
​AVLU  ​Prefixes an As Valued Land Use Code
​RPS  ​Prefixes a Related Party Sale
​A  ​Follows Sales Date indicates Sales Date is Date of Agreement
​P  ​Follows Sales Date indicates Sales Date is Date of Possession

In this guide:

  1. Database names
  2. Tenure
  3. Features
  4. Valuations
  5. Lease tenure reference
  6. Survey control
  7. Survey control report content
  8. Historical descriptions
  9. Government land register

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